Analysis of Impact Data and Social Business Case for SWOM

Stichting Studeren en Werken op Maat (SWOM, which translates to Foundation for Studying and Working Tailored to Needs), aims to create a society where each individual can fully develop their talents. SWOM focuses on young professionals with disabilities, newcomers, and young adults in need of some extra support. Through personalized guidance and tailor-made programmes, SWOM ensures these individuals are ready for their next step, whether it ends up being further education, an internship, or a job. SWOM considers all facets of participants’ lives and provides comprehensive support. In this way, SWOM strives for an inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to develop their talents and thrive.

SWOM’s Request

SWOM actively contributes to a sustainable and inclusive labour market in which (young) adults with and without disabilities have equal opportunities. SWOM seeks to better substantiate, articulate, and effectively communicate the impact they are making to their current and future partners, with whom they collaborate through Social Finance NL.

The SFNL Approach

Firstly, Social Finance NL developed a social business case to systematically map all relevant societal impacts of SWOM’s work and, where possible, quantify this impact in financial terms. This approach aims to illustrate the societal value SWOM creates for participants, employers, and society.

We also analysed SWOM’s current impact data and translated this into indicators on a dashboard. In collaboration with the Deloitte Impact Foundation, we developed an impact dashboard that allows SWOM to share its impact data in a data-driven manner and in real time. Finally, we are developing an enhanced impact management approach to empower SWOM to achieve even greater impact in the future.


At the end of the project, SWOM had a clear understanding of the impact they are making for their target groups and the financial value associated with this impact. They can use this information to demonstrate to employers and other stakeholders the significance of supporting SWOM, specifically by utilising their dashboard. Moreover, SWOM will be capable of enhancing their ability to measure and substantiate their impact even further in the future.

About the Collaboration

Through the knowledge and expertise of our partner, Social Finance, our real time impact is made transparent. We are pleased with the excellent collaboration and guidance provided by Social Finance throughout the process.” – Petra Haveman, Operational Director, SWOM